Books on local history (Kyogle)
Glenn has two books on local history, both about Kyogle in northern New South Wales. He lived there from 1977 to 1997. Places in the Bush, a history of the shire, was written in 1988 as a Bi-Centennial Year project for the Kyogle Shire Council.
The council sought an author for the book by tender in the local newspaper. Glenn had never tendered for anything in his life, and had no reference points for how one submitted a tender to write a book. Nevertheless, he loved the area, and knew that he could write, so he submitted a tender. His tender was successful. Then he had less than twelve months to produce the book.
Apart from wanting to be accurate and balanced, Glenn wanted to write a book that people would actually enjoy reading. Accordingly, he wrote it as a story where the shire and the Kyogle township were the main characters.
The book was received with enthusiasm by the Council and the public. It sold out of its first print run of 1,000 in less than twelve months. (Kyogle’s town population was about 3,500.) Glenn’s best feedback came from an old man who stopped him in the street and said, “I read your book from cover to cover, and I enjoyed it immensely. I don’t usually read, and I don’t think I’ve read a book in ten years. Well done! It’s a credit to you and the shire.”
Glenn’s book on 100 years of Kyogle Public School, written in 1995, was by invitation of the school centennial committee. After the shire history book, they said they trusted him to do it well. This book was a pleasing product and also an enjoyable process, as it involved many conversations with ex-pupils and ex-teachers, and the gathering of their photos.
Places in the Bush: A History of Kyogle to 1988
Glenn had arrived in the Kyogle Shire as a “hippie” in 1977. One of the things that struck him about the local people was their love for the area where they lived. He wanted the book to reflect this love.
To prepare, he read other histories of the area and surrounding areas, immersed himself in 90 years of the local newspapers, talked to local historians, and talked to many local residents. They all had a perspective, and unique facts, to offer.
He chose the A4 format for the book because that would give him the opportunity to showcase, as large as possible, some of the beautiful black-and-white photos he had found. Finding photos was a task in itself, and there are some glorious photos in the book. They include some photos on glass plates from about 1910, discovered in a museum at Urbenville, an outlying town.
Published 1988. Paperback, 96 pages, A4 format. Published by Kyogle Shire Council. ISBN 0 7316 4625 8
To purchase: Contact the author at
The Kyogle Public School Centenary Book
This book was the culmination of 12 months of Glenn listening happily to local people who had attended, and loved, the school, both as pupils and as teachers (many had been both), and gathering their photos in order to tell the story. Their memories were vivid and fond. They even had a slogan from the past: “Kyogle kids can do anything!”
Ex-pupils and ex-teachers really felt themselves to be part of this project, and shared freely. In fact, when the book was finished, Glenn had many stories left over, and he produced these as a separate publication in a short print run. It was called Reminiscences of Kyogle Public School. There were 26 stories in it.
As it happened, the mother of ABC Radio’s Ian McNamara had been a teacher at the school in the 1930s, and Ian came to town for the centennial event, broadcasting “Australia All Over” from the school grounds.
Published 1995. Paperback, 98 pages, A4 format. Published by Kyogle Public School Centenary Committee.
ISBN 0 646 23666 0
To purchase: Contact Kyogle Public School.